Side Labret Piercing: Cost, Healing Time, Pain, Meaning, Jewelry, Aftercare, Pros and Cons

For a lip piercing that’s just a bit out of the ordinary, choose a Side Labret lip piercing. You can make a unique statement with this simple piercing.
What Is a Side Labret Piercing?
A standard Labret piercing involves a stud underneath the lower lip. While a regular Labret piercing is centrally positioned, a Side Labret piercing puts a twist on this look.
The same style of stud is used, but the piercing is beneath the lower lip on the right or left side.

Variant: Side Vertical Labret Piercing
A Vertical Labret piercing uses a piece of curved barbell jewelry instead of a stud. The bar enters through the lip and exits the skin underneath the lip. The jewelry does not go into the mouth itself.
A Vertical Labret piercing can be placed centrally under the lip, but, as the name implies, a side Vertical Labret piercing is near the left or right corner of the mouth.
FAQ: Are Labret Piercings the Same as a Side Lip Piercing?
A Side Labret is one particular type of side lip piercing. However, not all side lip piercings are Labret piercings.While Labret piercings use studs, many people choose side lip piercings with hoops instead.
Image: Bortolini Piercer.
Side Labret Piercing Meaing
Getting a Side Labret lip piercing could indicate that you like simple piercings, but you want something that’s just a little bit different. The off-centered placement adds a bit of intrigue to a regular labret piercing.
This piercing might also suggest that your lip jewelry is a work in progress. Some people spread out the process of getting a double lip piercing. Having just one Side Labret piercing may suggest to some viewers that you’ll soon have Snake Bites piercings, Spider Bites piercings or Shark Bites piercings.
Side Labret Piercing Cost
How much is a Side Labret piercing? The Side Labret piercing cost is often less than $50. In general, the price may range from $20 to $100. Jewelry is sometimes an extra charge.
When considering the price of a piercing, you may want to pay a bit more for the services of an experienced piercer.
Side Labret Piercing Pain
Everyone experiences piercing pain differently, but when you ask, "Does Side Labret piercing hurt?" most people will tell you that lip piercings cause moderate pain.
Many people rank this as a 4 or 5 out of 10 on the pain scale. You may experience some swelling while your piercing site is healing.
How Long Does a Side Labret Piercing Take to Heal?
Your Side Labret lip piercing should be significantly healed within about 5 weeks. Most of the pain and swelling should go away by then. Full healing can take longer; you can expect it to take about 3 months.
During the healing process, keep the site clean. To prevent infection, maintain good oral hygiene. Avoid playing with the jewelry and kissing people.
What Is the Best Side Labret Piercing Jewelry?
The most common type of Side Labret lip piercing jewelry is a labret stud with a flat back. The flat back is important for avoiding tooth damage.
1. Types
Side Labret Piercing Stud
Flat back labret stud with a ball titanium $18.9, SHOP NOW.
The standard type of jewelry for Side Labret piercings is a labret stud with a flat back. That makes sense since this piercing is named for labret studs. The flat back is important for avoiding tooth damage.
Side Labret Piercing Ring

Piercing hoop 6mm 8mm 10 mm simple and minimalist $15.9, SHOP NOW.
You could switch to a hoop instead of a stud, but keep in mind this will look more like a standard lip piercing than a side labret piercing.
Horseshoe Barbells (Circular Barbells)
Titanium ring horseshoe barbell $17.9, SHOP NOW.
Horseshoe barbells can create an edgier look than curved barbells and rings and may have spikes that protrude sharply at both ends.
Curved Barbells (Banana Barbells)

Curved barbell piercing ASTM F136 implant-grade titanium internally threaded $15.9, SHOP NOW.
For a vertical Side Labret piercing, you will use a curved barbell — commonly, a curved bar with internal threading.
2. Sizes: Gauge, Length, Diameter, Gem Size
The correct gauge size is usually 14 gauge (1.6mm) or 16 gauge (1.2mm). Your piercer will probably start with one of those sizes. Be forewarned, if you later go to a smaller gauge, you may not be able to revert to a larger one.
The length you need may depend on your specific lip size and shape. Most people use labret studs between 1/4" (6mm) and 3/8" (10mm).
For a vertical Side Labret piercing, you will use a barbell — commonly, a curved bar with internal threading. People with smaller lips may need a 5/16" (8mm) barbell. Those with larger lips may need jewelry up to 1/2" (12mm) in length.
If you opt for a hoop, the best-fitting jewelry will probably be between 5/16" (8mm) and 3/8" (10mm) in diameter, depending on the fullness of your lips. You’ll want the ring to be close-fitting but not loose enough to flop over.
Gem Size
Gems for labret studs are often between 2mm and 3mm. The 2mm size is the most popular. If you go up to 3mm, your lip piercing will make a bolder statement. Anything smaller than 2mm may be more subtle than you’d like.
3. Metals
Commonly recommended materials for Side Labret piercings include:
Implant-Grade Titanium
Implant-grade titanium Side Labret jewelry is strongly recommended. It is lightweight, nickel-free, and won’t tarnish. It’s often recommended for those who are allergic to brass, nickel, and other metals common for jewelry.
Precious Metals
Platinum and 14-karat gold lip piercing jewelry can offer an elevated look. However, they may be more pricey and could tarnish over time. Also consider if you have allergies, such as an allergy to gold.
Surgical-Grade Stainless Steel
If you opt for stainless steel, you should opt for surgical-grade steel. It often contributes to a smooth healing process and is extremely durable.
However, it does contain small amounts of nickel that could cause allergic reactions in those with skin sensitivities. Talk through all material options with your piercer to figure out what’s best for you and your skin.
Pros and Cons
If you’re still wondering whether you’re a good candidate for a Side Labret piercing, it’s time to consider the pros and cons.
A Side Labret lip piercing shouldn't hurt too badly, and it should fully heal within a few months. The side of your lower lip can be a fantastic place to show off the metal ball or gemstone of your choice. Plus, you can always add complementary lip piercings down the road.
While a lip piercing doesn't take too long to heal, you may be concerned about keeping food and bacteria away from the site in the meantime. Plus, getting a lip piercing will require you to forgo kissing for several weeks.
- Opt for soft foods that aren’t overly spicy or acidic.
- Chew very carefully to avoid biting your lip jewelry.
- Avoid strenuous activities with your mouth until your piercings are fully healed.
- Avoid mouthwash with alcohol.
- Take care to avoid contaminating the piercing.
- Avoid touching it or applying makeup very close to it.
- Avoid getting in the water that might be dirty.
- Clean your piercing twice per day using a saline solution made for wound cleaning or soap and water to prevent infection.
- Avoid ointments as they prevent necessary air circulation.
- And of course, make sure to avoid snagging on clothes or towels.
- Wear loose clothing. Avoid wearing tight clothing or clothing that may rub against the piercing, as this can cause irritation and slow down the healing process.
- Use hypoallergenic jewelry like implant-grade titanium and 14- or 18-karat gold. Surgical-grade steel may contain small amounts of nickel that could cause allergic reactions.
- Don't move the piercing unless you're cleaning it. Pulling on a piercing early in healing is painful, but it also can get in the way of healing or damage the piercing itself.
- Wait until your piercing heals before changing out your jewelry.
- Watch for potential signs of infection and consult your piercer or doctor if it becomes infected.
How to Clean Side Labret Piercing?
- It is recommended to use sterile saline that you buy from the store, rather than homemade saline, for cleaning your piercings. Homemade saline may be too salty for delicate piercing sites, leading to dryness and delayed healing.
- Using mild, fragrance-free soap and water to clean your piercing site is also an option.
- If you prefer homemade salt solution. You can start by mixing 1/2 teaspoon of non-iodized salt with one cup of distilled or boiled (for at least 20 minutes) water. You may choose to use less of the salt mixture like 1/4 to 1/8 teaspoon if you want a weaker solution that’s less likely to burn or sting. Stir the solution until it dissolves.
- If you see signs of infection, you can also use antiseptic solutions, such as betadine, isopropyl alcohol, or diluted hydrogen peroxide. However, avoid using them for daily cleaning as they can damage cells.
- Soak a cotton ball in the solution and dab it around the piercing site. Don't remove the jewelry!
- Take clean gauze or tissue and pat the area dry.
Your piercer should give you detailed instructions on how to keep your piercing clean once it has been placed.
To Conclude
A Side Labret piercing is a simple piercing style that looks great on many jewelry-wearers. Whether you want to stick with this subdued lip piercing long-term or make it the first step in a series of lip piercings, a Side Labret piercing could be a great choice for you.
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